We specialize in personal protection training including Krav Maga (Israeli Combat System)
defensive tactics for law enforcement and security, martial arts, combat shooting, VIP/Executive Protection, combat fitness, rape defense and weapons defense. Krav Maga is the core of every class and is known as one of the most realistic and practical self-defense and hand-to-hand combat systems in the world. Our training methods are aggressive, innovative and safe to help individuals develop their potential and a solid warrior mindset.
Do not compromise on the quality of your self-defense training, especially when your survival and safety are at risk against violent encounters. Learn from professionals with comprehensive tactical experience to detect, evade and stop violent threats and operate within legal use of force guidelines. Our highly qualified instructors and trainers have extensive experience gained in law enforcement, military, VIP protection, firearms, martial arts, investigations, counter-terrorism and private security contracts with the U.S. Government. We have provided realistic self-defense and fitness training for individuals and organizations in the Central Savannah River Area for over 25 years.
Beginners or professionals at all ages, fitness and skill levels, including anyone with injuries, limitations or special considerations can train effectively in all classes. Our comprehensive Krav Maga and tactical training is a dynamic, fun and exceptional learning experience.

Tony Price

Nancy Price

Mark Winkler

Dan Hendricks
Adjunct Firearms Instructor